Two white stars are shown on a black background.
Two white stars are shown on a black background.

So Where Are You Now?

Personal Analysis- Self-Reflect

The journey into self-love and self-acceptance must begin with self-examination. Until you take the journey of self-reflection, it is almost impossible to grow or learn in life. Iyanla Vanzant

If you find your self ocuppied with what is happening around you then may be it is time to stop 🛑 and take a breather and look deeper inside you!

Taking time out for self-reflection is one of the best skills that one can adopt for their self-growth. Many of the time we get lost because of the chaos in our lives; both personal and professional. We tend to get caught up in the comotions around us and this takes us away from discovering with what we are feeling inside.

So maybe it is time for you to take some time out. If you can book yourself at least a half a day retreat somewhere in the nature to connect with yourself then this is fabulous. If not then find a quiet spot in the nature somewhere where there is tranquillity and nature. Being out in the open air amongst greenery, water, rocks, canals, ducks and any other God’s creation other than human beings is the best way to reflect.

You will feel more grounded, peaceful and have the benefit of complete solitude away from human chiter chatter.

These are some of the simple steps I have learnt and adopted over the years to help me self-discover and self-reflect when I am feeling overwhelm. Feel free to try them,and if there is something else you can add then please share, as we are all here to learn and grow with the support of one another.

  • Remove yourself from the chaos
  • Place yourself in nature
  • Breathe and look around – allow emotions and thoughts to run through you
  • Ask yourself open ended questions; why am I feeling this way? what is really going on inside me? what led me to feel this way? who else is in the equation? what am I really struggling with? Am I holding any resentment, hatred, anger, bitter?
  • Understand and label your emotions that are going on inside you as this will help you understand the cause and effects, and how they have influence on your behaviour.
  • You may want to revisit your values and beliefs if you find there is a fri
  • Then start to list things you are grateful for?
  • Keep a journal- start of with a few lines daily then you can slowly increase this. This is another powerful way to self-reflect on your day.