Two white stars are shown on a black background.
Two white stars are shown on a black background.

How to Reduce Stress by Living in the Moment

In the moment

Living in the moment does not mean you are discarding the past and avoiding the future, the idea is simply to use the past for lessons you have learned and sieve moments you have NOW to do the things you haven’t been able to do for yourself!

Because love for life starts all with you and from you. Feeling lost, lonely, stuck, and out of sync without purpose stems from self-neglect, and I don’t mean only physical neglect but also emotional. The problem with modern life is that we are consumed by far too many tangible and digital things, which not only consume our time but leave us feeling empty inside.

If you are practicing being mindful (present in the now) then that’s great please share some tips with the rest of us. If you are not, then I suggest you start by taking a small amount of time out for yourself to connect with the moment and be fully present using all your five senses. Practice this with your loved ones and out in nature. I promise You will love it! Connecting with nature not only helps you take in all the beauty nature has to offer but helps you clear your mind, don’t mind the cold weather, wrap up warm and go outside, feel the chill on your cheeks, see the warm air from your breath, listen to the birds tweeting, see the darkness fall, raise your head and look at the sky, and soon you’ll realise your problems have vanished. Try to do this daily if you can, if not start with a few times a week.

Sitting in a quiet space; seeing, listening feeling your heartbeat, feeling the softening of your skin, Not only will you feel connected with what is happening around you but you will start to connect with yourself by listening to your heartbeat, observing your thoughts, stepping out of yourself, and observing you, how do you see yourself? confident, happy, sad, whatever is that you see is the first step to do something about it, but staying in the mind not only makes you very ill but keeps you stuck as well.

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