A logo of hands holding the sun with their fingers.

Two white stars are shown on a black background.
Two white stars are shown on a black background.

About In-Harmony

My Compelling Journey to InHarmony

A woman in black jacket standing next to a table.

Hi, I'm Salma

Life Coach/Educator and Counsellor, and a Master at Setting Goals

I don’t want to bore you with all the details of my life but just to give you an insight, so you can see how In Harmony was founded.

12 years ago

I was alone, stuck, stressed, and depleted. I was looking for a greater direction in my life. I wanted to live a life of meaning and purpose.

My beloved father passed away, he was the pillar of the family and a very loving and devoted father. My marriage had collapsed, I became a single parent, my older daughters got married and left home. All this happened in the year 2011.

To add to the misery, I let go of my childcare and driving instructor businesses because I just couldn’t find the motivation to carry on with my life with enthusiasm, passion, and love.

I was completely depleted, feeling helpless. I felt broken and didn’t know where to turn.

Then after long prayers and desperately seeking help, I came across Mind Valley, Tony Robbins, Brian Tracy, and Marissa Peers. I started to follow these people and listen to their podcasts and videos.

Then slowly my life started to change, at this time I was completely focussed on myself rather than others. I forgot everyone else and decided to build a relationship with myself first. And that’s when I saw transformation.

I started loving myself, appreciating my life, not being bothered by the hurtful comments of others.

Little by little I transformed into peace, joy, and fulfilment. And it felt amazing!

Being able to break from a difficult marriage, being a single parent, returning to higher education in my 40’s and liberating myself from thoughts and values that were holding me back, has gotten me out of those stuck situations and on to new paths.

I know the feeling of being in despair, having lack of confidence, losing hope, thinking you’re destined to be in a horrible situation and worrying about how the society will perceive you.

But that doesn’t have to be your destiny, you can change your life if you want to.

If we aspire to have a fit and healthy body, it requires effort and consistency. We can achieve the same for our mind. As neuroplasticity allows this to happen, we can learn and unlearn behaviours, thoughts, and values.

We can reprogram our minds to be more creative, loving, kind, generous, and emotionally balanced.

Since the wonderful journey on Personal Development has served me, my family, and my community. I now have the vision to serve men and women to become more in their personal development growth. I would love to see good people thrive in every aspect of their life.

I set up In-Harmony Education with the vision to enlighten people toward self-growth so they know themselves better than anyone else does.

People I usually come across, have spent most parts of their lives caring and are now left feeling lost and lonely because their children have grown up and left home. For some of them, their marriages have collapsed, or have phased out. Or they are feeling lonely and lost because of their impaired relationships.

Coaching is my calling and is like second nature, it gives me satisfaction to the core.

Book now for a free Transformational Coaching Call!

“Start your new journey to living a life of bliss in good health and prosperity.”
